Winter, Summer, Spring & Autumn Colours

Dont be afraid of colour this season, it will boost your mood. It’s always tempting to stick to black in these long days of winter, but there is always an alternative to black!

Look at these striking colours that are on trend this season – Burgandy for those with The Duchess of Cambridge colouring, soft pink for the blondes with cool skin tones, lovely salmon pink for the gorgeous springs amongst us.  And of course warm creamy porcelain skin tones can wear this fabulous moss green.

Wearing the colours that suit your skin tone will really lift your mood.  It can take ten years off you…  you will look younger, brighter and healthier.  When you wear the wrong colours it makes you look older, tired and can show up the imperfections in your face.

Contact me if you would like a personal colour anaylsis session – you will be amazed at how your confidence will grow.