Would you like expert guidance to look great and feel fantastic?How many of you have skeletons lurking in the back of your wardrobe, clothes that you bought as a bargain, but have never worn, or only worn once?
When you get your new item home, you squash it into your wardrobe between all your other ‘bargains’. But when you have that special occasion, you stand back and say ‘I have nothing to wear!’
It doesn’t have to be like that!
Knowing what colours suit you gives you the confidence to shop and wear colours that you would never have considered.
Having your colours done will stop you from making any more expensive shopping mistakes.
A session includes being draped with colours around your neck so that you can see which shades enhance your complexion and which colours make your skin or hair look, flat dull or lifeless. You will discover how colours actually light up your face (skin, hair and eyes) and make your eyes sparkle.
Once we have discovered your colours, you will have your make up done using a personalised pallet of make up designed for your colouring.
When your make-up, clothing and accessories are all in harmony with your individual colouring, you’ll see how wonderful you can look. You will leave looking healthy and feeling vivacious! Investing in a colour analysis session, you will receive advice that will last you a lifetime. Cheaper than having your hair done and you have this for life!
It can be a real girlie day out with friends or family. Come to me in the morning, then go for lunch and then do some shopping with your new found knowledge!
Colour Consultation
Duration 1.5 hours- Discover the best shades to suit your natural colouring.
- Find out how best to wear the colours you already have.
- Make up application in shades that will flatter your colouring and tips on application.
- Handbag sized colour swatches are also available to purchase for £30, so you will always have a handy reference to the colours that suit you.

Client Testimony
“Thank you for a most enjoyable and informative session. I think it was an ideal present for Rachel and so much more fun with the two of us together.
Not only did I learn a lot but you have inspired me to reassess my clothes and this afternoon I filled two charity bags full and took them to the charity shops. It felt wonderful and I found clothes shopping so much easier, especially with the swatch to refer to. I’ve kept a few items back which I am thinking about dyeing.
I felt much more confident choosing new clothes and bought a russet cardigan which I am delighted with. It must look good because my husband commented on how nice it was – he doesn’t usually even notice if I wear anything new, get my hair cut or dyed deep red! I think the makeup helped too, looked altogether brighter.
I am going to review all my makeup and will get back to you on that. My skin and eyes are not at all irritated as often happens with makeup and the eyeshadow hasn’t creased. I just love my eyebrows, you worked wonders on those.
I’m a nervous, sensitive person, not inwardly confident and you made me feel very at ease. Neither Rachel or I are girly girls but again, we felt very comfortable and happy with you.
I can see you love what you do and that’s a wonderful thing – for us, as well as you.
I look forward to chatting with you soon about the makeup. “